5517 NW 23RD, OKC, OK 73127
Office: 405.601.3055
Cell: 405.822.9900

Infinity Generation Generals Academics
Academic Overview
Infinity Generation Generals (IGG) is the educational arm of the Oklahoma Youth Literacy Program (OKYLP), which has been serving the Oklahoma City community since 2014. Our philosophy of education is that each student is unique and needs to be taught by dedicated caring teachers. Our desire is to provide a child-centered environment where all students are nurtured and encouraged to grow spiritually, mentally, socially and emotionally.
We believe that curriculum should provide opportunities for children with different learning styles to succeed. Most of all, we feel that academic content should be relevant to the students’ lives and that positive moral and spiritual guidance will propel each child toward greatness.

The Pre-K3-Kindergarten Academics
Students at the youngest school ages are introduced to the mind, body and spirit curriculum to help them emerge as young scholars with inquisitive minds, healthy bodies and a community spirit. As part of a new generation, they are challenged to achieve beyond the standards for education set by the State of Oklahoma. We meet them at their strengths and build them up in challenging areas from the start.
The core courses include reading, mathematics, vocabulary, social studies and science.
First-12th Grades Academics
Students from the 1st to 12th grades are engaged in our mind, body and spirit curriculum to help them grow in scholarly inquiry, creative arts and foundational coursework to prepare them for success in higher education and careers.
As part of the next generation, they are challenged to achieve beyond the standards for education set by the State of Oklahoma. We meet them at their strengths and build them up in challenging areas to maximize academic achievement and other learning.
The courses include Reading, Vocabulary, English Language Arts, Mathematics, Science and Social Studies. Upper level grades include additional courses in History.
Additional learning and assessments are offered through Spanish and Physical Education.
Our students are provided various opportunities to gain skills from healthy competition to learn sportsmanship, leadership and teamwork. The focuses are part of the challenges afforded through partnerships with experts and in cooperation with teaching staff to advance life skills. Chapel provides a focus on the spiritual aspects of our lives.
Infinity Generation Preparatory School assesses reading and mathematics. We use two of the most recognized benchmark reading programs in the nation. The Dibels 8th edition bencmartesticing, which is a series of short tests that assess Kindergarten through high school reading vocabulary. We also use Fountas and Pinnell which focuses on reading comprehension testing. In mathematics, the benchmark is easyCBM math that includes screening and progress monitoring.
Academic Support Programs
Reading Intervention
Small group interventions for reading and language arts are offered to each student for which testing shows a need or opportunity for advancement. Our approach is centered in orthography, which is the conventional spelling system of a language.
Saturday School
IGG offers academic support/enhancement for students to practice, learn and develop reading and writing skills at grade level or above the levels of Oklahoma State Standards. The three-hour program is set for six weeks at a time and includes pre and post assessments for reading and writing.